Sunday 9 October 2011


Designing the Storyboard

Once I had decided on my narrative, I thought it well to write out each of my shots before I started to draw them onto my storyboard. This proved sufficient as from this I could picture each shot and think through which shot type I wanted to use. Upon completion of this process I moved onto drawing each of my shots as a storyboard.

It was slightly difficult as to what to put under dialogue. As I had not begun to film yet, I did not know if where I was going to be filming would consist of the diegetic noise of people talking in the background or not. However I figured this could be added in on my storyboard if needed later on. Another slight issue I feel I may have with the filming and editing process is the timing of my shots which contain non-diegetic dialogue from both characters. Although, I have given what should be a sufficient amount of time for the dialogue to be said and therefore am not overly worried.This can be easily overcome in the editing process.

Creating the Animatic

After all the details had been written down on my storyboard the next stage was to develope this into an animatic. Once the photos of the storyboard had been formulated into an animatic the music was to be made and added in. I found this quite challenging to be able to find music to be able to amplify and help get across to the audience the emotions of the characters. By keeping the piano piece I decided on consistent throughout a majority of the animatic helped to keep the audience aware of the first characters emotions.

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