Friday 25 November 2011

Opening Sequence Animatic

When creating my animatic I found it difficult to draw the exact angles that I wanted for certain shots. However I feel that this over-come through the description given in the script. At the time when constructing my storyboard, some of my credits were not decided on where they would be placed or whether some would be used. For example, at the time I did had not decided on my music and therefore couldn't write about recieving consent from Lewis Mokler about his song. Though now I have recieved all the information needed for all of my opening credits, I will most likely re-draw and post them to show all completed credits.

I am slightly disappointed that the voice recordings of the charcters aren't clearer and of a higher volume compared to the non-diegetic sound of the song. On the other hand I am happy with the clear quality of the song. I believe that while filming some adjustments might be made to better accomidate the location and how it looks in final editing. One change I have been pondering is to make the transition of fade to black before the title of the film appears and afterwards, to try and emphasise that it is the title of the film.

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